Dungeons & Dragons

AD&D Downloads

Dungeons & DragonsThis page contains useful downloads which should be enough to get a bare-bones Dungeons & Dragons campaign off the ground.

It hosts a combination of compiled Rule Book PDF's and Source Books of our own creation that simplify locating key game information.

Rule Books & Source Guidess
2nd Edition Core Rules Archive - (29.4 MB)
Complete Starter Set - (81.5 MB)
Language Compilation - (38.2 KB)
Nonweapon Proficiencies 1 - (38.2 KB)
Nonweapon Proficiencies 2 - (155 KB)
Complete Weapons Chart - (117 KB)
Exarch of Dumathoin Kit - (99 KB)
Kensai Fighter Kit - (70 KB)
Tree Ghost Shaman Kit - (117 KB)
Games of Chance - (91 KB)
New & Rare Priest Spells - (165 KB)
Character Sheets - 2022 - (3.58 MB)
Excel Character Sheet - (3.58 MB)
Campaign Quest Overview - (98.9 KB)