News Archives
Dungeon Master II Game Save Updated

We've updated the game save for Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep in the Miscellaneous Games Section. The characters have reached the pinnacle of mastery, and have a better equipment load-out.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
They Plead for the Butcher's Bill

With the truth behind the clot-shot now exposed, even the Pharmaceutical companies are beginning to admit how dangerous their injection is. (388,000 dead Americans later). What follows is justified wrath given form through prose - and a stunning video... hidden from you.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Mike Hendrix Needs Help

Mikle Hendrix, the frontman for the Belmont Playboys, the legend behind Cold Fury and undisputedly, without a doubt, one of OUR GUYS is in serious trouble. After a nasty infection, they've had to remove one of his legs, with scores of follow-up surgeries guaranteed.
He's got a daughter to care for and - if he survives this - he's going to have horrific medical bills. If you can spare a few bucks for "Tommy Gun Mike" they will be greatly appreciated.
‣ Click HERE to Donate.
The Spartacus Letter, by Spartacus

An anonymous writer, by the name of "Sparticus" posted up an extremely detailed article on the clot-shot. The journal is articulate and methodically referenced, coming in at over 40 pages. To call it an evisceration of the cabal's behavior in the last year is an understatement.
More noteworthy, however, is the speed and ferocity in which this document has been purged. Almost every file sharing platform dumps it within hours of it going up, and even Zero Hedge was forced to yank its article on the journal down. Fascinating - no?
Perhaps these assholes need to understand that you can't stop the fucking signal. Linked below is a copy of the document in PDF format. Spread it far and wide. Copy and paste it. Post it to social media. Hell, print the bitch and wall paste it on a street-light.
The fact that the pieces of shit who consider themselves our "masters" want the journal gone this badly lends the sort of veracity that cannot be purchased at any price.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Come Make Us You Child Sniffing Pedo...

The Muppet's handlers have announced their intention to engage in unrestricted and unmitigated civil war against roughly half the U.S. population.
Their terms are regrettable - but acceptable.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Misc. Games - Final Fantasy Legend III Save Posted

The Gameboy section has been updated with a Final Fantasy Legend III save. Replaced the battery in the old cart and spent a couple of weeks revisiting childhood - restoring that which was lost.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Dare We Suffer the Women?

As our nation crumbles into wreckage, I cannot help but note the enormous role Women's Sufferage played in our downfall. Of the many evil inflicted upon our ruined people, it was perhaps one of the cruelest.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
We The Damned

My mood sours by the hour. I look over the wretched husk - the skin-suit of a once great nation - and I'm reminded of its murder, which we idly watched. In truth, we joined ranks with the despicable by allowing their debauchery.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Final Fantay Legend III FAQ Updates

We've updated the Miscellaneous Games Gameboy Section with several item guides and map compilations which will likely vanish over time. Such is the state of the internet.
‣ Click HERE to download.
Next They Come for Kyle

Our world crumbles about us, and soon we face the latest slight in the humiliation-conga-line that is life in the FUSA. Contemplate what happens next - before Hell's Gates close, our honor and self respect will be measured.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Divinity: Original Sin - A De-Snarled Update

An interesting development with our Divinity: Original Sin upload in the Miscellaneous Games Section. In response to our post on the Larian forums, a moderator named Raze asked for the game save - which we provided. He passed it on to the developers, and they unsnarled it, allowing us to complete the game. The save has been updated with a Chapter 2 conclusion.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Downloads: Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Housewolf has provided a useful PDF file on Tactical Combat Casualty Care which may prove useful. We've added it to the Downloads Section, or you can click below for a direct link.
‣ Click HERE to download.
AD&D Updates: New NPC Card

We've added a new Alterboy card to the AD&D NPC Cards section. Why a literal Choir-boy? Because the universe is a titanic cock... and it loves to torment Gus of course!
‣ Click HERE to read more.
A Tall Order

The snow of winter gives way to a spring devoid of cheer and joy. The word "dyspeptic" hardly suffices to qualify my mood, as the wheels of tyranny grind our freedoms in to ever finer piles of dust.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
AD&D Updates: Posters Section

The AD&D Poster & Info Card section has been massively updated, with scores of new notes, a letter template file, new projectile counters, wall maps, follower trackers, spell trackers and a large DM Screen wall map.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
AD&D Updates: New Downloads

We have added two new files to the AD&D Downloads section - a complete 2nd Edition Weapons chart, as well as a new custom class/kit - the Exarch of Dumathoin. Additionally, we've uploaded the most current version of the Campaign Overview Spreadsheet.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
AD&D Updates: New Magical Relics

We've updated the AD&D Magical Item Cards section with four new enchanted items and three Ravenloft artifacts - The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, The Icon of Ravenloft, and The Sun Sword of Sergei von Zarovich.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
AD&D Updates: NPC Card Additions

We have a huge update to the AD&D NPC Cards section, with over 100 new cards. Epic companions, fully statted NPCs, scores of Followers and a huge collection of Henchmen just begging to be thrown in your campaign.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
AD&D Updates: Player Cards Page Added

We've added a Player Cards page to the AD&D section. This are contains pre-made player character cards and templates for people who'd like to make PC cards - and/or game pieces - for their own campaign.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
AD&D Updates: Villain Cards

We've added 44 new Elemental and Golem cards to the AD&D Villain Cards section. Some of the more obscure elementals were an extreme pain to track down assets for. Enjoy
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Divinity: Original Sin - A Bug-Riddled Disaster

The game save is up for Divinity: Original Sin in the Miscellaneous Games Section. Or should we say... HALF the save is. It turns out the title has several extremely pernicious bugs that render completionist play impossible. Avoid this game, and frankly, all Larian products at all costs.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Dark Winter

The cold winds and bitter snow of our shared darkness closes around us. Our enemies seek to make an frozen tomb for us all, while too many bury their heads in icy drifts, refusing to acknowledge our doom. The mood is grim, bordering on dire. History says we're being optomistic.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Photo Gallery Restored

After being defunct for the better part of a decade, we have the Photo Gallery back up. It contains screen captures and photographs of games the guild shared, events we took part in and other various projects. Think of it as a nerd scrapbook.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Downloads Section Updates

We have a large update to the File Downloads section - lots of new Agitprop images and Keep Calm Posters. We also have new Survival files on home-made guns and suppressors, as well as several Psyops archives regarding intel work and inflicting general mayhem.
Dungeon Master II Game Save Added

A perfect game save for Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep has been uploaded to the Miscellaneous Games Section. The save features a powerful party with the best equipment, ample consumables and multiple class masteries, with Skullkeep fully unlocked.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Donation Page Up

For those of you who'd like to toss some scratch our way, we now have a Donation Page up and running. Even a few bucks a month helps us keep the lights on and continue our... misbehavior. Thanks everyone for their support and readership over the last 24 years.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Market Watch Section Restored

The last few days have convinced us that it was time to sift through the pre-hack Wordpress database and restore all of Gus's Market Watch Articles. Looking over the dumb-fuckery from the Juggears Regime, it's obvious playbook remains the same.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Grit in the Gears

In an amusing twist, the internet has shown us a way forward in dismantling the shambling corpse of the FUSA. It's just SO hard to be a tyrannical regime when your every institution and system is frail and failing. It's near impossible when the serfs start tossing wrenches in the works on purpose...
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Pressure Points

Nothing beats the smell of sh*t-lib banker tears. And no sound can compare with their lamentations. Neither are in short supply, as the internet collectively decided to stuff the shorts of three very large Hedge Funds up their ass like a sharpened stake.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Pin the Tail on the Fed-Boi

With Parler destroyed and the progs gearing up to nuke Telegram, the dissident right is effectively being corralled into one final location - Gab. This means the place is absolutely CRAWLING with rat-f*cking feds right now. Pay attention, be smart and don't get suckered!
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Funeral Dirge

Now that fantastic spy thrillers and silly fairy tales are tucked away, it's time to accept our predicament. On one hand, the choice presented is the most simplistic of all - binary. On the other, the decision is between groveling like an abused dog or burning this shambling bitch to ashes.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
You Are the Targets Now

Well, Trump is toast. They will rend him to pieces and make such an example that none of the plebs will dare challenge their evil rule ever again - or so these evil f*cks think. But understand what comes next, for it is ugly, vile and unavoidable.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Amplify and Destroy
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard Game Save Uploaded

The game save for Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard has been added to the Miscellaneous Games Section. The save file is perfect, with a core of level 99 characters wearing the best gear and inventories of the game's best items.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Fair-Weather Friends

As the false-friends slither away to protect their acreage in hell, we the patriots have to step up and eat our own serving of accountability. We got here partially through our own inaction. We fucked up. We trusted them. And now... we pay the toll.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Magical Item Distribution List & Campaign Overview

We've added a complete Campaign Overview Excel File for those who want to see where everything is headed in the AD&D Downloads Section, and pair of magical item tracking cards for the DM in the Posters & Info Cards Section.
And Then The Instapundit Cucks

Glenn Reynolds, you are a coward and a fair-weather patriot. You value your iron rice-bowl more than truth, honor and liberty. It's a shameful state of affairs that Sarah "Lickspittle" Hoyt is the only person posting on your site with any degree of balls. Instapundit is removed from the blogroll. Wallow in your chains, may they sit lightly upon your shoulders.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
No More Voting

Bill Quick posts a good article on his website HERE about the coming GA sh*t-fest - read all of it. Our take is a bit different - as we fall squarely into the "burn-this-mother-f*cker-to-ashes" camp. The fury builds. Help the progs provoke it.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Contact Us Button Enabled

We've finally gotten around to enabling the Contact Us button on the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar. We'll see if it transforms into a spam nightmare. We're not using any sort of scripting or form, as these tend to be attack vectors, and it's not worth the headache.
‣ Click HERE to contact us.
Chinese Wuhan Lung AIDs Vaccination Card Download Link

For those of you interested in a smidgen of Irish Democracy, we've uploaded the Official Covid-19 Vaccination Card. Now, you surely don't want to download the PDF, print it, and then venture to this website HERE for further instructions. Don't forge documents. That would be bad.
‣ Click HERE for the card and HERE to learn how to fill it out.
Read Older Posts in the News Archives

The older posts from 2012-2020 are available in the News Archives Section. Here you can read old updates and articles from years long past - which is rather interesting for seeing the evolution of people's thoughts and opinions over time.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
The League of Outlaw Bloggers
‣ 12 Round Blog‣ Alt-Market
‣ American Partisan
‣ Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
‣ Ann Barnhardt
‣ Captain Capitalism
‣ Chateau Heartiste
‣ Cold Fury
‣ Daily Pundit
‣ Everything Yet Nothing
‣ Kiwi Farms
‣ Knuckle-Draggin' M.L.A.
‣ L.O. Outlaw Bloggers
‣ Liberty's Torch
‣ Men of the West
‣ NC Renegades
‣ Raconteur Report
‣ Sipsey Street Irregulars
‣ Sum. Patriot, Win. Soldier
‣ The Burning Platform
‣ The Captain's Journal
‣ The Intrepid Reporter
‣ The Market Ticker
‣ The Most Violent Element
‣ The Saker
‣ The Z Blog
‣ Western Rifle Shooters
‣ Woodpile Report
Comedy, Satire & Comics
‣ All the Tropes‣ Bounding Into Comics
‣ Day By Day
‣ Stilton's Place
‣ Stone Toss
‣ The Babylon Bee
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